How To Grind Coffee Beans
Having a cup of coffee in the morning can refresh our mind and mood too. As by drinking coffee our mind and mood get relaxed and we can properly do our work with the fresh mind. Coffee can lighten our day if we have a cup of coffee in the morning. But it’s really good if we grind our coffee beans daily by that we get fresh coffee every day and its taste is just fresh than the coffee we purchase from the market. obviously, grind coffee every day can give us the fresh coffee by that our mood also get fresh and we are prepared to perform any work.
Grind coffee every day can give us a fresh and good taste of coffee. Coffee has many advantages as by drinking coffee we get more energy by that we can perform any work. Nowadays coffee is very famous as usually, people love to drink coffee anytime as it can give relaxation to their mind. We also see many coffee bars around us, there were many types and forms of coffee as we see there. We found number of varieties in the coffee as like cold coffee, hot coffee, coffee with ice cream etc. people love to drink different varieties of coffee, depending on their taste.
But to get fresh coffee we have to grind coffee every day, as it is really good for health. There were many methods of grinding coffee at home. By that we can easily grind our coffee beans at home and get natural and fresh coffee at home. We also make different varieties of coffee using grinded beans. Some of the grinding methods of coffee are as follows:-
Methods of grinding coffee
Grind the beans by the old technique
We know about the old tool of grinding the substances into fine particles is mortar and pestle. They have been used by years and years to grind the big particles into fine particles. This is the oldest method and handmade method of grinding the particles into small and fine. It has been used by mainly the old people, at that time this is mostly used to grind the particles. Today it is also used but not that much as new technologies take place of it.
To use this technique, firstly we have to take some coffee beans into the mortar and hold the pestle with your dominant hand and also hold the pestle with other to get the proper balance. After holding of both, using the pestle forcibly, press the pestle down into the mortar and crush the coffee beans.
Continue this until we can’t get the fine particles of the coffee beans as you want to get. And also you can add more coffee beans in between the process, depending on how much you want. After the crushing, roll the pestle around in the mortar to get the perfect grind beans as we want to make our coffee. By doing this we easily get our mixture. This is the oldest and very simplest technique of grinding coffee beans.
Grinding the beans by wooden roller
The wooden roller, as all we know about it. It is easily available in the home as it is also used to make chapatti in the home. By wooden roller, we also grind our beans into desired particles. All we have to do is that take a plastic bag of good plastic, as it can’t be tear easily.
Take desired coffee beans in it and pack it. After that use the roller like a hammer, press down and smash the beans. Having good pressure can easily crush the beans. After the crushing, roll over the plastic bag to get the desired fine beans mixture. Continue this method until we can’t get the desired beans.
Grinding beans with a standard blender or grinder
The grinder is used to grind the big particles into small particles. It is the new and latest technique of grinding the substances into fine particles. As it is also easily available in our home because with this we can also do many things like we can make juice, make any powder of any big substances.
Nowadays this is widely used and really save our time. It can work electrically and can complete its work within 3-4 minutes. To grind the beans using this, we have to do first take the coffee beans into the jar and the close the lid as the powder will get only into the jar. Make sure that use small amount of coffee beans as large amount can burn the blades of the grinder as it can continuously running.
so, take the small amount and the set the grinder at medium speed, grind the beans up to 1-2 minutes and check whether it can convert into small particles or not. If not, then continue this method to get fine particles of it. Make sure don’t run the grinder continuously, stop in between while grinding. This method can easily grind our particles and also save our time.
Grinding the beans with a hammer
Hammer is the hard substance which is used to crush the hard particles into fine products easily. The hammer can easily available as it also used in our home for many things. To grind the beans with a hammer, take the beans between two sheets of parchment paper.
After that with downward force, press the hammer on the paper continues to get the desired crush of it. But use it slowly; as it is heavy also harm our hand so use it slowly and safely. continuous this process until we can’t get the desired powder of our beans.
Above following are the methods to grind the coffee beans easily at the home also by using home made things and easily available things. Make sure use the method safely. Enjoy our coffee by grinding the beans every day to get fresh coffee.
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