Top 5 Best Above Ground Pool
Swimming pool- An absolute joy in summers
It is not possible to have an inbuilt pool inside every house; however, one can fully utilize the benefits and joy of a swimming by having above ground swimming pool.
Having a swimming pool is the most enjoyable treat for children as well as for adults especially in those hot and humid days of summer season.
Besides quenching the thirst for a quick dip in cool water, a swimming pool becomes an excuse for bringing all the family members together in the past time.
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Maintenance of swimming pool
As much as fun it is us a swimming pool, it is equally important to maintain the physical aspects of the pool for its continuous quality and performance. Consistent usage of pool requires adequate cleaning as well. In the absence of required cleaning, the pool may attract algae and unwanted sticky grime.
Cleaning of the pool may seem an easy task but includes special components for its procedure. Usage of chlorine and right sanitizers is also mandatory to prevent the water from getting infected from vivid bacteria and fungus.
Ensuring safety around pool
Swimming pools definitely attract kids and pets in the house which makes it even more crucial to set up proper safety methods to safeguard the kids and pets from any sort of mishap.
First and foremost, step is to keep the water level of the swimming in check in accordance with the size of the pool and the age of the kids. It is always recommended to keep floatation devices such as inflatable tubes around kids to help them float in water.
Things to consider before buying above ground swimming pool
Size of the pool
Size of the pool is the most important criteria that should be kept in mind before settling for a pool. A pool with small size may not be the right fit for a family with large number of people. Similarly, a family with 3 to 4 number of users may choose a pool with small or medium fit. A disproportionate sizing of the pool may cause irritation and inconvenience to the users as it may fail to impart the right level of comfort.
Components used in construction
This is the aspect that is often overlooked by most of the users however, it is equally important than any other factor for buying a pool. above water Swimming pools built with cheap quality plastic are susceptible to leakage even at slightest pressure or pinch.
A minor leakage may require a lot of task to fix the leakage point and setting up the pool for usage again. The entire process is extremely cumbersome and hence validating the material used for construction of pool is very much important.
Additional Accessories
Price was, once, the ruling factor that was undertaken before settling for a commodity or device however, with number of new and experienced players competing amongst each other, it is losing its priority.
Most of the companies have launched schemes and methods to offer added accessories along with the swimming pool at absolutely no extra cost. This enables a user to get a swimming pool, quality assurance along with additional accessories at the cost of one pool.
Installation of swimming pool
This may not be a major factor to consider but is definitely worth giving a thought. Many of the pools available in the market may not suggest anything regarding their installation process.
It is vital to know if the installation a pool can be done by the user itself or will require any professional help. Before purchasing a pool, a user must check the specification and also seek advice from the buyer regarding the installation method to stay away from any kind of inconvenience later.
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Listed below are some best above ground pool that offer value for money quality to users :
Top 10 Best Above Ground Pool Reviews Under 100, 200, 50 Dollars
#1. Splash Pools Deluxe Round

Brief introduction
Swimming pools gives a tinkling sensation to everyone around regardless of their age and gender. People who wish to have a pool often settle for an above ground pool to satiate their wish. Splash pools have been trendsetter when it comes to swimming pools.
It has developed multiple ranges of pools each of which has been favored for its drastic quality and durability. Be it designing or components; style or safety; Splash pools have always exceeded its user expectation by leaps and bounds.
Designing and style
The designing of the pool is one of the most highlighting and noticeable features of splash pools. The construction of the pool includes profuse usage of powerful galvanized steel that imparts strength and longevity.
As far as styling is concerned the pool has a sophisticated designing that gives a luxurious appeal to the overall construction. The designing of the product is perfect blend of beauty and technology.
Composition and installation
Installation of the pool is a little tricky task and may pose a problem to a beginner. However, the swimming pool kit comes with a step by step instruction guide to help the user to install the pool. The pool is composed of 20-gauge vinyl liner that is capable of withstanding all kind of weather conditions. To impart enhanced protection, the pool comes with a A-frame resin ladder.
Most of the users get a wrong idea regarding the maintenance of the pool owing to its advance technology and sturdiness. Unlike other expensive and premium brands of the pool, the maintenance of the pool is pretty easy and convenient. A user is not required to spend a fortune over the maintenance.
However, it is necessary for a user to keep a constant check on few important aspects of the pool including regular painting, rust proofing the pool, supporting the blocks and more.
- The most stand-out feature of the pool is its huge sand filter that has energy of 1 horse power and does not require any special provision for its maintenance.
- Another amazing aspect is the 15-year manufacture warranty and lifetime customer support for the pool which gives a sense of relief to its user.
- Affordable pricing of the product is another attractive trait of the pool as despite of exhibit such remarkable traits the product is priced the way other pools are.
- Equipped with such advanced technology, the pool is absolutely safe for kids and pets of the house and does not require any additional safety measure.
- Unlike other regular pools, the pool does not call for any additional or complicated procedures for the maintenance for its health and vitality.
- The designing and style of the pool marks an everlasting impression on the eyes of the user and stands second to none of the other pools available in the market.
- The high strength of the pool may cause inconvenience to a user owing to its heavy built. The pool is absolutely difficult to move from its position and may cause unnecessary trouble for its users.
- The installation process may get time consuming as it is a bit tedious and complicated task. Despite of an instruction manual, a user may find it pretty difficult to set up the pool.

#2. Intex 12ft X 30in Metal Frame Pool Set With Filter Pump

Brief introduction
Intex has been ruling the industry developing swimming pools ever since its inception owing to its astounding styling and innovative features. Its unique and inimitable traits are evident from its vivid product line which also took the market by storm and remain a consistent choice of the user for a longer span of time.
Intex metal frame pool is the upgraded and advanced variant of its previous version Intex inflatable and is pretty affordable. The product is equally loved and preferred by the majority of the people like its other previous variants.
Designing and style
Designing of the product is pretty elegant with blue colored finish on the exterior of the pool. The entire styling imparts a soothing effect on the user and scores beyond average in terms of designing too.
The infrastructure of the pool is such that it complements perfectly with any garden area and fits perfectly in the backyard of a house. Though the pool is an ultimate beauty when it comes to designing; its natural charisma is such that it can be installed at any suitable place as preferred and desired by the user.
Composition and installation
Intex advanced technology features a circular framed pool built with ultra- powerful and exclusive quality of steel in its construction. The sidewalls of the pool are no less efficient in preventing the pool form any sort of damages such as leakages thankfully to its extreme strength.
The installation of the pool makes it even more admirable as the Snap-On joints conveniently set up the pool without any additional requirement or professional help.
As much as it is easy to install the pool, detaching its components is an equal breezy affair. It is always recommended to detach the pool after its usage to secure the longevity and durability of the pool. Being compact in size, the pool package does not occupy extra space. Hence, it is best to pack up the components of the pool after its usage as it prevents the pool from unnecessary leakages.
Although, the maintenance of the pool is not a big of a task, there are certain things that need to be kept in mind for proper functioning of the pool. The Krystal clear cartridge pump that accompanies the pool may not fetch the water in right quantity to the pool of not treated with proper attention. Hence, any carelessness in this respect may pose a problem to the user.
Also, rather than adding excess amount of chemical into the pool, it is recommended to include a salt water system in to the pool that will also prevent the growth of algae and bacteria in the pool. It is recommended to place the pool in the backyard as it will prevent shoots, leaves, bugs and insects from approaching the pool.
- The biggest relief of owning an intex metal frame pool is its quick assembly procedure which is extremely breezy. Most of the users are able to set up the pool the same day of its arrival and enjoy the benefits
- The present model is far better than its previous variants in terms of strength and durability and proves its point of being a better and advanced version of its family.
- Dismantling the pool is not at all complicated and can be easily done in case it is not is usage during winters.
- Usage of exclusive quality of steel in the engineering of this pool makes it ultra-strong and powerful which further eliminates any possibilities of leakage through puncture.
- The krystal clear filter pump has been reported to disappoint in terms of supplying right quantity of water in the pool. Furthermore, the cartridge placed inside the filter requires constant replacement.
- Though the manufacturer claims that the liner is strong, there has been instance where holes have been detected in the liner leading to leakages in the pool.

#3. Rugged Steel 12-ft Round 48-in Deep Metal Wall Swimming Pool Package

Brief introduction
It is often noticed that people are more interested in getting an above ground swimming pools over in-built pools which are more expensive and less appealing. Keeping same aspect in attention, Blue wave has been working on developing swimming pools that have strong built and perfectly serves the purpose of a swimming pool.
Blue wave has been thriving to match steps with other prominent and premium brands in terms of quality expectations set by the users. It has been able to withstand all its claim and promises and provided a performance oriented pool which is worth appreciating.
Designing and style
Flaunting its Star Galfan galvanization coating, blue wave presents a pool that makes an astounding style statement for the place. The designing of the pool is also impeccable and impresses the users in just a glance.
The pool is a perfect epitome of strength and charm owing to its ultra- powerful sidewalls and charismatic appeal. The magnetism of the pool is simple irresistible and draws people towards itself with every glance.
Composition and installation
The advanced engineering of the pool is self-descriptive thanks to the outer frame constructed with strong iron clad that safeguards the pool from rust and corrosion. The rugged steel walls of the pool in conjunction with staggered bolts enhance the longevity and durability a multiple times.
The users of the pool often get perplexed by the number of small components required to install the pool. However, setting up the pool is surprisingly breezy. However, utmost care should be taken regarding each part of the pool regardless of how small or large it is as losing any of it may obstruct the installation process.
Apart from all, the pool kit comes with an instruction manual and a DVD for easy setup and installation.
The pool has a large circumference and hence it is not at all wrong to call it a ‘mini pool’. Many users confuse the pool to be extremely high maintenance. However, the pool does not require any special assistance or effort regarding its maintenance.
For instance, the quality driven filters attached to the pool are self- managing and do not need any frequent check and validation. The unique and remarkable ability of the pool of resisting rust and corrosion also eliminates further maintenance saving a lot of time.
- The pool has been built with extra care with profuse attention to its strength and flexibility. The rugged steel walls and star galfan galvanization coat proves the ultra-power of the pool.
- Besides being price at a reasonable cost, the pool comes with additional accessories including a A-frame ladder, a horse power pump, a sand filter, a blue liner and a skimmer.
- The pool is best suited for large crowd of people owing to its large size and wide area.
- The sand filter attach to the pool does not require any special attention and does an impeccable job in keeping the water clean for usage.
- Being weather proof and corrosion proof, the filter has the capacity to endure different weather conditions without impacting or damaging the pool.
- Most of the users find the swimming pool way too expensive despite of its manifold aspects and traits.
- The installation could be a tricky affair for some of the users due to multiple major and minor components required for its installation.

#4. iPool Above Ground Exercise Swimming Pool

Brief introduction
Though swimming is loved and enjoyed by major part of population, there are certain limitations that come along with it. There is no concern for privacy in public pools and when it comes to building an integrated swimming pool, cost and space is the biggest challenge encountered.
Hence majority of the people switch to setup an above ground swimming pool at their places. One of such finest above ground swimming pools are developed by Fitmax.
Fitmax presents a swimming pool that can be easily installed in a spacious room or can be adjusted in a space as big as a garage. This makes the pool indeed a blessing for all those users who face space issues while setting up the pool at their places.
Designing and style
The designing and style of the pool resembles to that of traditional style pools that occupy less space and were average looking. Though the appearance of the pool may not be very eye catching and enticing, the pool compensates generously by imparting extraordinary traits and benefits to the users.
The construction of the pool facilitates the user to exercise much like a water therapy and maintain good health. The pool is a perfect blend providing both style and maintaining health of its user via vivid therapies and relaxed exercises while still maintaining the privacy of the user.
Composition and installation
The sole purpose of developing such pool was to promote exercise and water therapy at the comfort of home without breaching privacy. The pool has been built with a strap that is tied to the waist and assists in water therapy for the body.
The highly advanced jet accommodated in the swimming pool are responsible for generating current required for water therapy thereby enabling the user to enjoy swimming at the same time.
The pool is best suited for people who are advised to do low impact exercise along with aquatic therapy. The pool provides dual functionality by offering water therapy for the patients and by soothing heated bodies during summers.
As far as maintenance of the product is concerned, the product does not require any special care or attention. The pool is equipped with innovative features and accommodates all safety measures that are necessary for an aquatic therapy.
The pool has an integrated vinyl liner which is light weight in nature and houses PVC coated tanks that have the capacity of holding 1500 gallons of water.
In terms of safety for a user, the pool has an attached Velcro strap that safeguards the user from any sort of mishap. The product is god sent as it suits people with all kind of experience.
- Ipool umbrella that accompanies the swimming pool kit is a best ever accessory that prevents its user from tanning. The umbrella can be secure easily and covers the entire pool which allows the user to enjoy swimming even during broad day light.
- The chin bar of the pool allows a user to do additional exercise that focus majorly on the stomach, arms and shoulders of the swimmer.
- The integrated filter pump attached to the pool is easy to clean and maintain. The cartridge placed inside the filter can be changed easily within a span of 3 to 6 months depending upon the usage of the pool.
- The repair kit of the pool has all the required components necessary to fix any minor issues encountered during the usage of swimming pool.
- The pool does not have in-built heat facility to heat the water inside the pool. Though the feature is not very common, however, considering the nature of the pool for healing and therapy it could have been included.

#5. Steel Pro 12′ x 30″ Frame Pool Set

Brief introduction
Steel pro pool is one of its kinds and as its name suggest, the pool is engineered with high impact steel that is extremely powerful and sturdy. Bestway has also marked its place in the industry thankfully to its pool which are renowned for their impeccable strength and amazing durability.
The product has impressed its user with not just one but multiple features that have performed beyond expectations and are simply remarkable. Best way pools have always stood by their claim of imparting complete protection to its users with the exclusive quality material used in the infrastructure of their pool.
It may not be as popular as intex however; they are no less than it in terms of quality and performance.
Designing and style
The best part of this amazing swimming pool is that it is available is multiple sizes as required by the user. Apart from the sizes, the designing and construction imparts a beautiful suave look to the pool.
The exterior of the pool has a decent blue colored finish all over its body which is very appealing and admirable. The swimming pool is extremely elegant to look and makes a style statement for the person who places it in his property.
Composition and installation
The current model is 30 feet deep and has the capacity to withhold 1,170 gallons of water. The swimming pool keeps the water cool enough to enjoy wonderful swimming time with family members and friends.
To ensure that the pool lasts for years and functions season after season, it has been designed using a quality driven heavy-duty PVC accompanied by a wall support which is a lining of 3-ply. The arrangement of the layers is such that it adds longevity to the pool and prevents it from any kind of wear off and tearing.
The extremely convenient set up of the pool is the most highlighting factor that has taken its users by surprise. The installation takes mere 3 quick steps which includes laying out the lining; arranging the steel tubes and finally feeling the pool with water.
The steel tubes accompanied by the pool not just shape the pool but also support the pool and keeps it intact. As much as it is easy to install the pool, it is equally convenient to dismantle the pool. The drain valve equipped inside the lining of the pool allows quick drainage of the water and controls of the flow.
Maintenance of this pool is not a hard job fortunately due to its lightweight. The pool does not require any sort of special care and attention. Lifting it up is very simple and can be handled by a person alone without any professional care.
Though, the product is pretty reasonable; it will require some of additional components such as ladders and pumps. Apart from all above, the pool comes with a wonderful return policy.
If in case the pool gets leakage due to excess pressure or puncture, the product can be easily replaced or refunded by the manufacture without any deduction in the original cost.
- With a diameter of 12 feet, the pool is large enough for the family of 4 to 6 members and can be situated in the backyard or garden area as per the choice and convenience of the user.
- The pool is extremely powerful and strong owing to its composition from heavy-duty PVC. Besides being extremely sturdy in construction, the pool is light weight in nature and allows easy maintenance.
- The pool keeps the water inside extremely cool during hot and humid days allows the users to enjoy swimming to the fullest.
- The pool is extremely easy to install and does not require any kind of professional help. It does not involve a lot of small and tiny parts for its setup and hence is a breezy affair.
- Apart from installation, the dismantling procedure of the pool is also very simple and easy.
- The most admirable aspect of the swimming pool is the manufactures warranty of replacement of the pool in case of any damage or leakage due to any puncture or extreme pressure.
- The major concern of this swimming pool is its additional accessories. The pool kit does not include the additional components required for the easy handling of the pool including pump and ladder. If these components are bought separately, the cost of the pool shoots up significantly and makes a major drawback for the product.
- In case of using an existing pump form a different pool, it gets mandatory for a user to change the location of the holes for the previous pump to fit perfectly which can be a task of great irritant.

There is nothing as amazing as cool bath in the pool during those hot and humid days of summer season. An above ground pool for a quick dip is nothing more than a blessing in disguise for the user.
However, the fun and joy of taking a swim in the pool can be ruined if the pool chosen fails to live up to the expectations of the user. A pool should not just fulfill the basic expectation of strength and size but should also take care of the safety of its user while swimming.
The listed above ground pools are the best with ultra- efficient features that a user can afford to get within a set price range.
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