Top 10 Best Low Maintenance Cool Animal Pets
Are you in the search of a pet for your family? There are a lot of options when it comes to the perks which add to the animal companion to your brood. But you have to remember that this is a very important decision and it needs careful consideration. You need to be completely sure that your kid is ready to take the responsibility of having a pet. If you have sorted that out, then you will need to ensure which kind of breed will be perfect for your family.
Here in this article, we are going to offer you with top 10 list of legal, house, exotic animals pets in California. Some might be a bit awkward looking creature, but once you adopt them you will know how low maintenance they are. A lot of people don’t want to have the usual cats and dogs as pets.
They want to cherish the challenge and thrill of owning something that is unique and eye-catching. This is just the best way to feed your hobby of keeping pets. If you are thinking that owning unique pets might be a daunting task then you are definitely in for a surprise because these are the most low-maintenance and cool pets.
Now that we have known some important details about top 10 best cutest, unique, unusual, exotic and low maintenance cool animal pets which are very easy to handle.
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#1. Chinchilla Animal Pet

Among the top 10 list of legal, house, exotic animals pets in California, this is definitely one of the cutest pets that you can have. For an average small family, they are just the perfect pets. From the name of these pets, it might sound that you are getting some Mexican drink from a bar, but that doesn’t make this unique pet any less cute.
This is one of the most active and energetic rodents that you will find. And if your kid is a teenager, then they are just going to love it. The chinchilla is light in weight and very much fragile. One of the best features of this pet is, they are extremely fast if they are left loose. But they are also very sensitive to tight grips. They can even bite if they are provoked.
The good part is, they have fur and they don’t make any sound. This is what makes them best cool and small animals you can have or own as pets.
#2. Southern Tamandua Animal Pet

If you are having a backyard with an infestation of a lot of termites and mounds, then there cannot be any other exterminator than the southern Tamandua. This is the second in our list of the best and most low maintenance pets. It is actually an anteater.
The anteater is extremely cute-looking because they have a pencil neck with a pointy face loaded with cuteness. But there are certain things you need to remember about these pets. First thing is, they are anteaters and this is why the tongue of Tamandua is longer than you might have expected. The tongue is sticky and if you allow it to lick you then you face will feel sticky too.
Another important thing about this pet is, they are very attention seeker and it might show varying moods if they are not attended. But overall, this is just the best cool and small animals you can have or own as pets.
#3. Guinea Pigs Animal Pet

If you are looking for the small, furry and cuddly animals, then it doesn’t get cuter than this – the guinea pigs make for the ultimate house pets. They are cool, cheap, cutest and exotic animals pats to own. Plus, they are also very easy and low maintenance pets.
They are known to squeal in delight when they are happy – which is very pleasant for the owner. They also jump for joy and kick their heels up in the air when they are “popcorning”. The guinea pigs also love to take a nap from time to time. The added advantage is that guinea pigs, unlike their hamster brethren, do not bite. Hence they are extremely kid friendly and safe pets to have.
All you need is anything above 4 square feet of cage per guinea pig and you’re all set. If you don’t come close to them regularly, they might not recognize you and may try to leap away from you. So keep those pats coming because as we mentioned above, they are extremely cool, cheap, cutest and exotic animals pats to own.
#4. Turtle Animal Pet

Turtles have a long lifespan. You do not have to deal with the death of your beloved pet anytime soon with a turtle at home. This also means that you have a long time friend in the form of a turtle.
They however, do need the right lighting and the right temperature to survive. Their environment needs to be recreated just right to help them survive. However, if you have a kid under the age of 5 at your home, then you shouldn’t pet them because they can spread salmonella in kids that age.
Other than that, these are really nice pets – they don’t need much of play time as others. Before getting one, make sure that it is allowed in your country and state to keep a turtle as a pet, in many places it is banned. It is very important to ensure that different types of good exotic house and mammals pets allowed in California.
#5. Hedgehog Animal Pet

Fancy a hedgehog companion to play with you? Hedgehogs make amazing pets. They are low maintenance and have a diet that consists mainly of insects. If you feed cat or dog food along with fruit vegetables, it will give them good all-round diet.
When looking for hedgehogs, make sure you are looking for one that is a little bit tame and well-tempered. The ill-tempered ones can really throw a tantrum. Make sure it also possesses a good overall health.
They tend to be very shy and nervous creatures. So they can throw a fit or roll into a ball when you try to pick it up for the first few times. But spend some quality time with it and they will become the most adorable creatures you’ve ever seen.
This is why it is important to have a tamed hedgehog that lowers its quill for some bonding time initially. Finally, you also have to ensure that different types of good exotic house and mammals pets allowed in California.
#6. The Burmese Python Animal Pet

If you choose to have a Burmese python as a pet then you probably already know how dangerous they can be. It takes a brave heart to even think about petting one. These creatures are as sneaky as they come.
They can grow up to 17 feet in length and they can swallow animals that are lesser in height than it within a few minutes. That’s right – it can swallow you whole too. When you are having a Burmese python as a pet, it is best not to keep any other pet because it might eat them alive.
Still some people like to have them as pets just because these are very thrilling. As a pet owner you will always have to be on your toes when these bad boys are around.
Once you learn the tricks to keep them at a safe distance, everyone benefits. These things can become the best cutest unique and unusual animals pets to own once you know how to deal with them.
#7. Wallaby Animal Pet

Have you ever seen a wallaby? These are tiny kangaroos. These are one of the best cutest unique and unusual animals pets to own. With stark contrast to #6, these creatures are very friendly and won’t eat you – that’s for sure.
Usually it is recommended that you feed the wallaby from a feeding bottle when it is little. This is because when you feed it, a close bond automatically forms and the wallaby recognizes you as one of its kith and kin. When these babies are at home, make sure to keep the surroundings nicely fenced in with a lot of room inside the fence for them to romp around.
They need a lot of room to romp and they love to graze outside. They are very curious creatures and might wander off to different parts of the house if they are left unsupervised.
The docile animals make excellent cuddle companions and bottle-fed animals are usually very friendly and gentle. These are small low maintenance pets for apartments that are easy to take care.
#8. Bettas Fish Animal Pet

The Bettas are a fish variant. They are so vividly colored that they catch your eye at once. They are known to live in small and stagnant puddles. So you just have to recreate that using a big bowl of treated tap water.
Take about 1-3 gallons of water and add them into it. If the water gets muddy then they will go to the surface to get oxygen. They aren’t bothered if the water is anything less than pristine. They also don’t require filtered tanks. These are one of the most small low maintenance pets for apartments that are easy to take care.
When one male spots another, he will blow bubbles and does some other type of “flaring” to show that he is the toughest guy between them. He will even do the same if he catches a sight of himself inside the mirror.
You will need to clean his home at least once a week. You cannot get more than one male fish in a bowl. They will fight and fight ugly. But the male ones in the species are more attractive and have longer fins.
#9. Rabbit Animal Pet

How can we forget the good old rabbit? They are the perfect pets – next to dogs. They are cute and cuddly and they are also furry – which some people absolutely love. They need a lot of stimulation. So you must let them out of their cage every once in a while.
It is very naughty yet they are best low maintenance exotic pets that like to cuddle. Make sure to keep an eye on it whenever it is out of its cage. If they are not contained or kept watch on, they may cause a lot of damage – they are curious by nature. Also, the rabbit’s cage needs to be cleaned regularly. The catch is that although they look adorable, they don’t like to be held mostly.
Younger kids may struggle with this. They are the best companions for you if you want an energetic pet that also doesn’t need to be patted all the time. They are quite independent but need a lot of room to explore their surroundings.
#10. Chipmunks Animal Pet

Watching the chipmunks move about will make you feel like getting up and moving about. They are undoubtedly some of the most enthusiastic creatures. They have some simple tricks which will make you go “aww…” these are extremely low maintenance pets and they do not need a lot of care.
They are often kept as pets because they make excellent companions. When they are young, they crave human contact and having being taken care of makes them feel safe. They also need a lot of food at this stage which tends to include many different types of fruits, vegetables and seeds.
If you are not fascinated by these weird animals pets that are legal to have, we don’t know what else could fan those feelers. Most of these animals, if not all, are extremely cute and cuddly and they also are very easy to maintain – even the turtle!
Once you have the hang of the setting these animals need, you are pretty much set. The only thing they demand from you, just like all little babies do, is a little bit of your attention so that they don’t wander off to unwanted places. Some of them like the Bettas, for example, are available for just $$.
So you can easily check out the smallest, tiny, coolest and cutest looking animal pets for sale. These animals tend to have a good average lifespan on them. So you can enjoy their company for a while.
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What?! This article makes no sense. Your statements contradict themselves. Your grasp of the Enqlish language is questionable. Why did you post this? Annoying…
We have just put this article for some knowledge only as we tried our best for providing some knowledge to the people who come to us for some information…..if you feel any no sense things in the best low maintenance cool animal pets then you can point out the thing we will try to improve it. and also i want to thank you that you pointed out our mistakes but please can you elaborate which part of article you feel annoying.
Betta fish are extremely misunderstood. They actually do NOT live in puddles and require a cycled, filtered tank with correct pH levels. Most people require a heater since their tank should be in the mid 70s to low 80s. Their tank should be 3 gallons at a bare minimum, but 5 gallons and up is good. If you want tank mates, start it at 10 gallons and go up from there. These fish aren’t the easy pets they seem and they require research and planning.