Mochi Ice Cream
Everyone loves to eat the ice cream in the hot summer or even in the winter too. Ice cream is a sweet dessert dish which is loved by all the people. Ice cream is cold as the name says the ice means cold. Ice cream can give us the good taste of eating and refresh us by its coldness. We have a variety of ice cream there in the ice cream parlour or even we can make the ice cream at our home. We have many types and varieties in the ice cream so that we can find number of way to eat new and new taste again and again.

Here is another type of ice cream with the name “the mochi ice cream“, mostly the people don’t know about this ice cream. This is mainly the Japanese cold dessert dish but now it is available all over the world. In this type of ice cream we find that there is a coating of the rice and in between our favourite flavour is insert. We can easily make this ice cream at home and enjoy the ice cream. This is the new one and its making is also as simple as much to make it. Once you make it and taste it you love to make it again and taste it again and again..
Here is the method to make the mochi ice cream at home easily and enjoy by eating its coldness and take the refreshment. We need the following ingredients: –
- Ice cream of our favourite flavour
- Rice flour
- Water
- Superfine sugar
- Corn starch or potato starch
It’s easy to make the mochi ice cream at home. Here we start the process of the making of this. Firstly, take the thick ice cream so that it can easily be frozen up into the mochi balls. The thin can melt easily as compared with the thick one. We can take our favourite flavour to make the balls. Use only single flavour for the single ball or we can make the balls of each different flavour.
We have to need the 2 or 3 cups of ice cream to make the 10 mochi balls. Use your favourite flavour to make it tastier. Use the plastic wrap to keep the ice cream free from sticking to the tin in which we are to going to make the balls. We have to choose the tin having round shape or the oval shape so that it can look nice and we enjoy eating it.
After this put the ice cream in the round or oval shapes in at least fill 10 rounds and you can use the different flavour of ice cream or the same flavour to make. Allow the ice cream to freeze it so that it will tighten as much as we want it. Then cover the whole tin with the plastic wrap and then freeze it in the freezer. We have to put the ice cream in the freezer at least for 2 hours so that it freezes it in a proper way.
Then take a glass bowl or the microwave bowl put the corn flour or the potato flour in it around 90g and then mix the sugar of 50g in this mix it well or stir it. Then add the water into it and then stir the whole mixture with the light hands so that it can easily mix up well and get into its consistency. Once you know what the items need in the mixture and once you have the practice of this you can easily add more new items in it. If you don’t use the microwave bowl then after stirring the mixture, transfer the whole mixture into the microwave bowl and then put the bowl into the microwave for 2 minutes and also cover the mixture with the plastic wrap so that it can easily get into its consistency.
After two minutes take out the bowl and then stir the mixture so that it cannot burn out or dry out after stir the mixture then again put the mixture in the microwave for 1 minute so that it can bake easily in the microwave. Then we have to sprinkle the ground where we used to paste the mixture, sprinkle that area with the potato starch or the corn starch. Sprinkling can allow the mixture don’t to stick the ground. Also have some flour into our hand so that the mixture doesn’t stick easily to our hands.
After this take out the mixture and then unwrap the plastic then put the paste into the sprinkle ground and spread the mixture with the rolling pin but also we have to sprinkle again the flour on the mixture that we put on the ground so that it can’t stick to the rolling pin.
Now Spread the mixture through the rolling pin and spread that much so that it can form a layer so that we can easily cut it into the ice cream shapes.
After spreading cut the layer into the square shape into 10 pieces because we have ten ice cream balls. After cutting put the mochi layer outside of the ice cream and cover it well if we have extra layer of mixture then remove it by hand. Cover all the ice creams with the mochi layer. Then put it into the freezer to freeze it well and after freezing we love to eat the mochi ice cream because it becomes tight and very tasty tot because of its good consistency.
This is the simple way to make the mocha ice cream easily at home and with our favorite flavour. We can also add new different flavours in it to make it unique in taste and also we can add man things in that so that it can look tasty and delicious. This is the simple way to make easily at home and everyone loves to eat the ice cream at any season. Enjoy the ice cream enjoy the climate.
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